Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Art of Dancing and the Courage to Step Up

Dancing is one of the most amazing talents one can ever have because not all the people are good and vested with that kind of talent. Dancing can be both part as and exercise that a person can do to make his body structure ore complex and be in the proper shape. This helps him not only to acquire proper posture but also good health. When you are dancing you burn up the fats that are being stored in your body that why most of the people that has a good moves in the floor have a less worries in terms if sickness compared to the people who don’t dance.
Second thing is that when you are good in dancing you have a great opportunity to excel in your field. Most of the people who are really good in dancing are given an opportunity to become actors and actresses in the big screen. These are some of the many things that a good dancer can do to excel in his life.

As for me I want to develop more skills in dancing like my cousin who is very good at it, He went to the other places because he is good. People admire him because of it and I can’t aware to the fact that I get jealous to him with his talent sometimes.
I can dance but not as good and him, one day when we had a time and we talk he told me that no person is born to be good in that kind of field. Dancing is being practiced to be perfect, we are all born good he said but it depends to us on how we will develop these skill that are freely given to us. After we talk he told me to watch step up 3D online on August for me to know more about dancing.


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