Sunday, April 17, 2011

X-Men First Cass The Movie Worth Waiting For

Black and white television is all that we have when I am little, but even though we don’t have enough resources in making our lives more convenient, as a little girl who used to that life, its absolutely happy.Television, its one of the most precious thing that I take good care of, for other people who can afford to have a big and colored television, the one we have is just a scrap but for me it’s my way of reaching the beauty of the world, the true essence of places I never went, and a simple way of making my hour worthy.

We don’t have electricity but a battery of a vehicle where we clip the wire of the television to watch programs, and believe it or not, it is our simple way of life. Cartoons makes my summer so much to enjoy. X-men of course, though I’m a girl I’m not the type of a sleeping beauty who waits for my prince to come, but I rather want to be a storm that is strong and powerful.

Time had passed and we now have computer and internet to hang on in our vacant time, but my favorite Cartoon show and character remains. Our television set was replaced but still our old television remains, not only as a simple old thing but a reminder that its one of the things that helped me reach out who I am now.
And this 2011, I'm not alone to watch X-men, I do now have a brother who is eager to watch the new x-men film, and I love it, we will both watch X-men first class online this June.


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